Marketplace - Parts wanted Type 44

Christopher Gebbie chrisgebbie at
Fri Dec 2 07:58:11 PST 2011

Dave, try posting the ad in the Marketplace without any apostrophes in any of the text, heading included. That has seemed to work lately. 

> Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 09:47:28 -0500
> Subject: Marketplace - Parts wanted Type 44
> From: dconner at
> To: quattro at
> Does anyone know if the Audifans Marketplace "parts wanted" section is
> broken?  I've tried to place "parts wanted" several times during the past
> week or so, and the ad never shows up.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong,
> but can't figure out what it coule be.
> I know we're not supposed to place these ads on the main list, but given my
> experience with the marketplace, and with apologies for breaking the rule,
> here goes...
> The parts I need would be used on a 1987 5KS with auto trans (type 44).  I
> need:
> 1. p/n 443 201 544E metal fuel lines, the long pieces under the car... ETKA
> says these same lines were used on nearly all type 44's incl quattro
> from maybe 1985 - 1991
> 2. p/n 443 253 197A  exhaust hanger bracket (retainer), hanging from back
> of transmission.  ETKA says this part was used on many Type 44's 1984-1991
> ... possibly all with auto transmission.
> I figure it's a long shot trying to find these NLA parts, since they are
> usually all rusted to hell by now.  Maybe a car from the some place that
> doesn't use road salt would have undercarriage bits like this remaining
> intact.  If I don't find them, my plan is to fabricate new fuel lines from
> nylon tubing and compression fittings.  And I'll try to rig up >something<
> for the exhaust hangar, maybe baling wire ... :-)
> thanks,
> Dave C
> Columbus OH
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