Greatest 25 Audis....

Michael Veglia msvphoto at
Fri Dec 2 16:38:21 PST 2011

In a message dated 12/2/11 cobram wrote:

<< The V8Q the flagship for the "late 80's?"  Some notables missing and the
inclusion of the model 90 Quattro 20V and the Allroad, but not a mention
of the 20V Turbos? 

A cute fluff piece culled from a net search. >>

Agreed it is a bit of fluff, and there are too many similar late model race cars, but the allroad is #7. The 90q 20V, Ur-S4, and Ur-S6 are all in there too.

Also, The V8q was the flagship for the late 1980s. I recall first seeing one at Sears Point in the Audi hospitality tent at the 1988 Sears Point Trans Am race (they were racing 200 quattros but Audi brass were driving and showing off the then brand new V8s).

All that said, too much duplication. Don't need both the Ur-S4 and S6 since they are essentially the same car. For that matter, the Sport and S1 (#1 and #2) are pretty much the same thing too, aren't they???? Don't need all the 2000s era race cars either. And where is the 4000 quattro???? I would put the 4kq ahead of any 80/90 series car with the exception of the S2 (which is missing also), but that's just me. But, what should we expect for fluff?

Mike Veglia

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