S4 Idle issues

Tony Hoffman auditony at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 05:49:10 PST 2011

Sounds like the ISV/Throttle body need cleaning. Starting to stick more
than likely.


On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:52 AM, mike <mikemk40 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> Car is a ’99 B5 S4 and it just started failing to idle on start-up
> Last night, out from work, start it, it caught & then
> died. Restart, same thing. Restart again but with a bit of throttle and it
> was back
> to normal idle after a few seconds.
> Drive 100 yds to car park exit and it was idling normally,
> out of the car park, cover another 400 yds, switch off, post some letters,
> try
> to restart and it died twice then idles normally.
> Drive 5 miles with the occasional “take it out of gear and
> see if it idles” test, all fine and no problem manoeuvring into parking
> space
> at home.
> Out this morning, first start, caught & then died, restart
> and it’s fine.
> Anyone got any ideas?

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