ABS Control Module Rebuild quattro Digest, Vol 98, Issue 19

Scott suffolkd at aol.com
Sun Dec 11 12:31:31 PST 2011

There is a place in Tauton Mass that does them.  
Module Master or such.  
They usually have ads in magazines and Audi forums.

They do ABS , dashboards and things like that.  Decent sized operation, all makes & models too.
No affiliation but I've used them for an ABS controller in a 99 A4.
Shop repair $200
Me drive it to them and come back days later ~ $75.

-Scott by BOSTON quattro123 dot com

From: mkb <mkb125 at yahoo.com>
To: "audi at humanspeakers.com" <audi at humanspeakers.com>
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BBA Reman has been doing "ours".? Rumor has it that resoldering bad 

connections is the cure.

That's good enough for me.? Thanks Huw.

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