2000 A4 Avant Quattro Engine running Hot.

Paul Caouette paxnobis at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 21:13:08 PST 2011

I recall heat shields on my. A4.....perh aps forgotten....??

paul from my droid
On Dec 16, 2011 7:55 PM, "Werner Raschdorf" <wraschdorf at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> After finally getting my exhaust system completely installed, I have a new
> problem. The engine seems to be running very hot. After short drives I can
> see heat coming off the exhaust pipes under the car and when I open the
> hood there is a smell of extreme heat as if something was burning. The top
> of the engine is soo hot it is almost impossible to touch without getting
> burnt. None of this existed before the exhaust job. (or at least I never
> noticed).
> Here's what was done: New Cats and downpipes from the exhaust manifolds and
> a Miltek Cat back exhaust system. This is the 2.8 V6. New O2 sensors
> Downstream right and upstream left.
> VagCom shows no faults and CEL is not on. Ran a readiness sequence on
> VagCom and everything checked out fine. The car starts and drives fine and
> produces normal power. Oil level is normal, Oil Temp Gauge reads normal
> while driving also. Antifreeze and water levels are fine.
> Replaced Waterpump and Thermostat at 80K mi. when timing belt was replaced.
> Car has 85K mi. on it now. Replaced spark plugs with Bosch Super Platinum
> 4's after the exhaust job. It's almost like the engine is getting too much
> fuel and sending pure fire out the exhaust manifold. How do you check for
> that?
> Any thoughts? Are these smells and heat levels normal after replacing a
> whole exhaust system? Maybe I'm getting overly paranoid or losing my mind
> or both!
> Thanks
> Werner
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