Digidash to analog cluster swap?

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Sat Feb 5 14:04:02 PST 2011

Some random comments...

First, you might want to think hard about this.  The '86 CE cars 
probably have some "classic" value if in very good condition.

That said...

This swap hasn't been covered much as far as I can remember, though I 
once contemplated going the other way, to the point of have the cluster, 
speedo sender, and digidash pigtail around here somewhere.  Then I 
briefly drove a digidash coupe I owned and decided I didn't like how 
slowly the speedo responded to rapidly dropping speed.

Here is what I suggest.  Start building some diagrams and data lists 
that "simplify" the Bentley info.  All the wires are going to be 
uniquely color-coded, and I'll bet over 90% will be exactly the same. 
Make a table for each version, listing the wire color and the function - 
start with one, with columns for color and pin locations, then a third 
column for function.  Now you can add the other version in columns 4 and 
5, lining up by function.

Fill in every bit of data you can scrape up.  At that point your 
question will be much simpler to answer, or make suggestions about, 
since you can email the spreadsheet to anyone who wants to try to help. 
  Stick with Excel or Open Office if you can.

Make sure you are looking at the correct year schematics, of course.

Also, I would advise testing the odometer in the analog cluster early on 
(electric drill on the cable ought to do it), since the odds are it 
doesn't work.

Oh, also, is the 4kq analog?  Having the live example to look at as well 
as the schematics will probably help.

Feel free to send me the data sheet when you've filled in everything you 

On 2/5/2011 3:21 PM, c m wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've read the q list for a while but never posted...now is the time! The
> digidash in my '86 CGT has failed for the second time. This time it's dead.
> I'm tired of dealing with it, so I'm going to swap to analog. I have an
> analog with trip computer cluster, speedometer cable, and the
> connectors+wiring for the analog cluster. I have the pinout diagram for the
> digidash and the pinout for the analog cluster in the bentley, but the
> pinout for the analog cluster in the bentley does not match the connectors I
> have. Anyone have a how-to on this, or perhaps have the correct pinout
> diagram for an analog cluster with trip computer? Apologies in advance if
> this topic has been beaten to death before, I'm new at this.
> Best regards,
> Casey
> ('86 4ktq CE, '86 CGT CE, '81 4kTD 5 speed)
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Huw Powell



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