Thermo Switch Location -- 88 5KSQ

John Cody Forbes cody at
Tue Feb 8 05:08:42 PST 2011

Yeah you are right, I saw 5kSQ and my brain added a C in there, sorry. The NA 5k's just might work the same way, I'm just not familiar enough to say.

-Cody (mobile)

On Feb 8, 2011, at 12:03 AM, Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:

> Subject doesn't say turbo.
> On 2/7/2011 8:18 PM, John Cody Forbes wrote:
>> The cold start valve is controlled by the ECU on a turbo 5000 via an actual temperature sensor. I don't think the CSV is used until very very low temperatures. Your issue is more likely in a fuel pressure leak down (injectors, pump check valve, accumulator, etc) or the warm up regulator.
>> The two wire switch facing rearward from the coolant neck is for the afterrun cooling system FYI.
>> -Cody (mobile)
>> On Feb 7, 2011, at 2:42 PM, b1biker at wrote:
>>> Fellow listers:
>>> Patient has been setting for several months with little or no use. Now that the weather is cold it is very hard to start. The cold start valve is not being energized., I'm uncertain of the location of the thermo-switch that controls operation of the cold start valve on the NF engine as the diagrams in Bentley don't match my vehicle. I have a small manifold on the side of the head with a two wire sensor coming out of the top and the multifunction temp sensor in the bottom. I'm sure that the cold start valve is controlled by one of these sensors but am not sure which one. Any clarification will be appreciated. Also if anyone has thoughts of other causes for this problem please let me know.
>>> Gary Meier -- 885KSQ - 94 S$
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> Huw Powell

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