And I really mean it

Alex Kowalski hypereutectic1 at
Sat Jan 1 13:05:06 PST 2011

This car + a complete functional MC1 engine and driveline are going to be
picked up by a scapper and fed into the shredder in the next 30 days,
everything included, for about $250 unless someone buys them and comes and
gets them.  They're going to be completely destroyed and I'm going to sell
them for scrap value.  I have a guy who makes his living on scrap metal who
will pick them up tomorrow if I ask.

So if someone wants them and all the parts, offer me something, because
otherwise everything on them including the Fuchs rims and the meticulous
maintenance records are going to be turned into automotive hamburger within
a month and I'm going to have to say buh-bye to them.

The clock is ticking and I'm serious.


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