Walk Away

TWFAUST at aol.com TWFAUST at aol.com
Mon Jan 10 14:33:11 PST 2011

dude. you can find clean well maintained b5a4's for 3-5 grand or less [im  
selling mine for 3200 with loads of maintenance and tasty mods]. 

why on earth would you even consider throwing good $ after bad on a car  
with a grenaded motor?

no comprendo! 
No comprendo? La quenta!  Most that I see are in the $600.00 range,  
usually they look pretty good in the pics. What I am really looking on CL for is  
another CGT. Since you never know what description a seller will use, I just 
 search Audi and these cars come up. I have had a few cars with TB's. A 
Chrysler  turbo minivan from the 80's (not interference) and a 16V Scirocco. I 
watch the  belt on the latter. I loved that mini van, I put in the factory 
300 hp kit and  pulled the balance shaft. It would eat most everything on the 
road in the  late 90's. I could run the 1/4 in the low 13's (it could have 
gone  faster but I would have had to lose the A/C to make room for a larger  
intercooler), that is several seconds faster than a new A4 2.0.  I bought  
it a few years old for $400, the seller thought an exhaust leak at the turbo 
was  a rod knock. Since the 300hp kit was a 1987 option, and most of the 
parts became  incorporated in later cars (the van was a '90), I think I 
assembled it for about  $400. I had the belt slip a few times but never any 
damage. It just ran poorly.  That wasn't the Mitsu motor, rumor had it that it was 
a VW design that Chrysler  had bought. Not bad for a 4 cylinder "mom van". 
The automatic transmission was a  weak point, but cheap.
Tom Faust

From: _TWFAUST at aol.com_ (mailto:TWFAUST at aol.com) 
To: _quattro at audifans.com_ (mailto:quattro at audifans.com) 
Date: Sun,  9 Jan 2011 18:38:56 EST
Subject: Bent valve symptoms
I have been  noticing a lot of "bargain" A4's on my local Craig's List.  
report "needs timing belt" and "doesn't run". With a bad timing  belt.
"doesn't  run" doesn't surprise me. What does concern me is bent  valves. I 
never had  one of those, and am wondering what symptoms  would there be when
you crank it  over?

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