5000CS door lock parts

Stephen Sherman spsherm at msn.com
Sun Jan 23 15:27:38 PST 2011

I am in need of a couple of tiny plastic parts for the door locks on my 
'87 quattro. Namely the plastic top that connects to the lock arm of the 
front door handle to the rod (the little plastic thing that has a ball 
socket and treads onto the rod going to the latch, passenger side if 
that matters), and in the drivers side rear door the 90 deg thingie that 
goes to the lock button.

These plastic things have broken, no doubt due to their age. I could hit 
the junk yards, but I suspect that anything I find will be as old and 
brittle as the ones I am replacing.

Are there any other options? (My local Audi dealer is not interested in 
ordering 87 parts).


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