Volunteers needed for Audi Winter Driving School next month in NH

Steve Mills s.b.mills at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 15:35:45 PST 2011

Sorry, left that part out- Doh!

Despite the cold, Joel (co-driver) and I had an absolute blast as usual. We
had about an hour and a half of "play" time before the students showed up on
Saturday, and I did enough skid pad laps to get slightly disoriented ;-) It
was as usual a great event- highly recommended. You'll learn more about the
effects of weight transfer on traction at one winter driving school on a
glazed skid pad and slalom course than you will at many dry track events. I
had several students tell me it really drove home that you can brake, OR
accelerate, OR turn, but you really have to pick one and ONLY one. You can
get away with mixing them on a dry road, but not on more or less sheer ice
at the bottom corner of the Team O'Neil road course.

I think we were all very warmly dressed, and running around replacing the
exploding cones helped keep everyone warm, but the top of the slalom/braking
was below zero with a 5-10mph breeze on Sunday morning- definitely kept you
alert ;-)

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Mark Rosenkrantz <speedracer.mark at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Thanks for coming out (and helping), Steve!
> I'm always on people to speak up about such things.  Despite making an
> effort to do so, we get so consumed running the exercises that I probably
> don't ask enough "do you need a break?"
> The real trouble we get into is that we can only take so many people... and
> at the winter school we have a high instructor to student ratio.  We want
> the instructors to be constantly instructing (in and out of the cars) and
> some exercises (braking/slalom and road course) run MUCH more efficiently
> with more instructors with students.  People don't really realize how much
> help those volunteers are to both the instructors and students.  I just
> can't overstate it enough.
> Even though you did get cold (sorry about that!), wasn't it fun???   =)
> And generally those who volunteer are completely dressed and prepared for
> the duties.  You'll notice my ugly heavy fleece pants.... and I had my
> skiing snow pants shell in the truck, too... in case I needed to be outside
> even more.
> Anyhow, thanks again... great seeing you, too!  More listers should do Audi
> club events!
> Mark Rosenkrantz

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