CoilPacks and performance

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Wed Jan 26 09:48:57 PST 2011

My experience has been that they do go in clumps.... I replaced all 4 of the 
ones in my Audi over an 18 month period. 2 went
at one time. In my son's Jetta, 3 of them just went together and I replaced the 
4th at the same time, since he has the car at
school 5 hours away from home.

 Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

From: Hayes Myers <hayesmyers at>
To: quattro at
Sent: Wed, January 26, 2011 11:53:03 AM
Subject: CoilPacks and performance

Question: do coil packs (COP) fail over time or all at once... ie: when i
get missfire and replaced my coil packs should i expect a difference in
performance besides the lack of misfire? My head thinks the car runs with a
little more kick now.

Anyway... don't love asking dumb questions like this..but was curious.

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