CoilPacks and performance

Robert Rossato rossato.qlist at
Wed Jan 26 21:55:51 PST 2011

Can't speak to the new style coils, but I recently replaced all the
coils on my '95 S6 (AAN engine) and there was a very noticeable
increase in power.  My coils weren't at the point that they were
misfiring all the time.  I had an occasional misfire on one cylinder
at idle upon a cold start that would go away after a minute or so.
140k miles on the coils when I replaced them.

So they do degrade gradually, in my opinion.


On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Hayes Myers <hayesmyers at> wrote:
> Question: do coil packs (COP) fail over time or all at once... ie: when i
> get missfire and replaced my coil packs should i expect a difference in
> performance besides the lack of misfire? My head thinks the car runs with a
> little more kick now.
> Anyway... don't love asking dumb questions like this..but was curious.
> cheers
> Hayes
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