Tire science

Tony Hoffman auditony at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 06:24:38 PDT 2011

Dee, when I bought my 16's for the V8Q, I bought 5. The fifth went into the
spare tire well just fine. I bought five wheels and tires for two reasons,
first, Lillie then had a full size spare. Second, if something happened to
ruin one of the wheels, I had another, just in case they were no longer made
(looking down the road).

Yes, that compact spare will work for you, assuming you went with
225/50/16's on your new wheels. They will be the same diameter as the
factory 15's, and therefore the same diameter as that spare. Another option
is to just take one of your old 15's and use it as the spare.


On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 8:16 AM, <doubldz at aol.com> wrote:

> Hello All:
> I just upsized the wheels on the 1990 V8 to 16s (from 15s). The spare is
> one of those compact deals and the well that houses it doesn't look like it
> could accommodate a full size wheel, especially a bigger wheel. If, someday,
> the Audi gods frown on me and I get a flat - what to do? Can I use the spare
> briefly or do I need a flatbed tow?
> And yes I do have AAA Plus ;-)
> Dee
> 1990 V8q
> Pearl

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