Vibrating Steering Wheel

Kyle Ledford kledford at
Wed Jul 27 17:04:43 PDT 2011

I have a similar issue in my 2001 A6 q.... Occasionally when I stop say from highway speeds like and offramp.... I get what is a horrible shake in what feels like left front... I let of brakes and re apply it goes away.... Because it rarely happens at in town speeds and I'm so used to how to stop it I guess I don't pay much attention to it now but this thread  got me thinking... Anyone have any thoughts? My abs is out as well... Tires good pressure and not worn no other shakes or vibrations..  It's like light brake pressure at 45+ causes it if its slow speed... Won't do it ... Ie parking lot or something.

Kyle Ledford

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 24, 2011, at 5:02 PM, "Max Hoepli" <mhoepli at> wrote:

> Calipers are new in the back, in the front my mechanic commented a missing
> spring as seen from the outside of the front caliper which has been in this
> state for 4 years. Brake fluid is new.
> I told the same mechanic of this problem, he had no suggestions.
> Max
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kneale at [mailto:kneale at] 
> Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2011 16:44
> To: mhoepli at; quattro at
> Subject: RE: Vibrating Steering Wheel
> Sounds like calipers are not releasing.  Either the pins need
> cleaning/lubing or your master cylinder needs replacing.  Next time the
> brakes don't let go completely, try squirting cold water on the master
> cylinder.  If they release, you need a new one.
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Max Hoepli mhoepli at
> Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 14:56:12 -0400
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Vibrating Steering Wheel
> Hi all,
> Steering Wheel started to vibrate at about 2200 RPM in 5th gear on highway,
> I lifted the handbrake lever up 3cm and pushed back down 3 times. This
> eliminated the vibrating steering wheel. 100km later I stopped the car after
> having turned off the 401 East at Cobourg going north on 45, I had to rev
> more when I was gearing up. Stopped by a gas station, the rims at the front
> were very hot. The car would not roll on level ground in neutral. 30 minutes
> letting the car rest, the car could roll again. I drove off normally. 
> On the way home steering wheel starts to vibrate as of 2200 RPM in 5th gear.
> Lifting up handbrake handle as before had no influence. Steering wheel seems
> to vibrate more when slowing from 3000 RPM to 2200 RPM, Seems to be less
> vibration accelerating 
> The car has new control arms in the front and new constant velocity boot on
> the front outer right. Tires and rims balanced 2,000 km ago.
> Car stops in a straight line with assist. ABS does not work.
> Ideas??????
> 1986 Type 44 Turbo Quattro, 313,000 km
> Max
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