Starting issue

John B pre95 at
Mon Jun 13 14:04:24 PDT 2011

The grinding makes me believe it's a starter issue. I have had starters with bad internal grounds overheat themselves or drain the battery overnight. Any grinding would be from the gear on the starter not making correct contact with the flywheel. Possibly the starter is binding, and the battery didn't have enough juice to force it to turn over? 

> From: djacardoso at
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Starting issue
> Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 15:36:07 -0500
> Patient is an Audi A4 quattro with a 2.8 litre AHA, and a five speed manual.
> Upon starting, it hesitates, then fires.  Sometimes, it will delay when
> before cranking, or even make a slight grinding noise.  Battery is about
> eight months old.
> Yesterday, it wouldn't even crank- nothing at the key, dim interior bulbs,
> dim odometer read, boosted by triple-AAA.
> Danton J.A. Cardoso
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