Weird voltage issues (84 4kq)

Mark Rosenkrantz speedracer.mark at
Tue Mar 1 15:29:47 PST 2011

Did anyone else notice the non-utilized "B" fitting?  "B" on an alternator
or "B+" is for a direct battery connection to +12V.  Any "B-" connections
for battery ground would be clearly identified with the "-" or
"minus" symbol or lettering.  B+ is sometimes only stamped "B" from my

It sounds like the incorrect alternator or incorrect installation.  Anyway,
a proper voltage and ammeter (load) testing would be the next step if it is
the correct P/N, to test both the part itself as well as the installtion.

I've had brand new alternators not work correctly and one high-quality reman
failed catastrophically (locked up) after a few thousand miles on
my Escalade, taking out the new serpentine belt in the process.

Mark Rosenkrantz

2011/3/1 Huw Powell <audi at>

> That's where I was going - combination of a soft engine mount (lets
> engine move substantially under load) and a bad connection or rubbing
> wire that is only a problem when the engine moves.
> The alt ground is via its case to the engine block.
> The "exciter" is the small wire you mentioned.
> Make sure the battery ground wire is cleanly and securely connected to
> the battery tray and the engine block/transmission bolt.
> Have you run a voltmeter in the cabin yet, or are the headlights your
> stand-in?  Could just be a problem in the lighting circuit(s)...
> On 3/1/2011 1:00 PM, Andrée-Anne Bourgeois wrote:
> > Also, check that passenger side engine mount. If dead, then engine will
> rock
> > a lot under acceleration.
> >
> > Louis-Alain
> >
> > -----Message d'origine-----
> >
> >
> > John, in addition to what has been mentioned:
> >
> > It almost sounds like a wire is rubbing somewhere when you floor it. I'd
> be
> > checking the wiring around the engine. Try moving the wiring around while
> > the car is at idle and see if you can duplicate the problem. The full
> > throttle thing is what has me leaning toward this conclusion. Oh, and if
> it
> > started occuring when the alt was changed, look at the wires connecting
> to
> > the alt, and in that immediate area.
> >
> > Tony
> >
> >
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