Audi on a budget...?

Joshua Van Tol josh at
Thu Mar 3 08:13:56 PST 2011

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Nick Urban <nickurban at> wrote:

> I can't tell whether I should take all these calls for "Honda" as
> serous or in jest.

It's serious.

> Can you recommend any non-european car that approaches the same level
> of refinement and interior quality?
> Acura perhaps? Audi and the other Euro manufacturers have not taken the
modern quality control methods seriously, or, when they have, they've gone
too far in the direction of "make it last through the warranty". So, quality
of interior surfaces, features, etc is high (at least initially) but overall
quality is very uneven. Some parts are undoubtedly very high quality, but
others are not. If you were to look at, for example, a Toyota, every part is
just as good as it needs to be, and no better. (Although they've slipped
some on this lately). On an Audi, every part aspires to be as good as it can
possibly be, but because they haven't closed the loop and measured the
quality, some parts wear out too soon, and some last too long (cost too

> Likewise with the warnings about maintenance costs -- are you guys
> exaggerating or is it really that bad?
> It's really that bad. Especially if you don't do your own wrenching. If
you're careful, and do your own work, you can do okay with an Audi. If
you're not, and you pay a shop, look out.

> I heard the same thing before I bought a Saab, and as I said, I got
> one that had been well maintained and had very few problems.
Audi parts costs are probably 2x Saab. And you probably did get lucky. What
vintage of Saab did you have? There's definitely some high and low points in
terms of quality with all makes.

> Thanks,
> Nick
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