NAC - Draining Battery

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Sun May 22 07:22:00 PDT 2011

Thanks for all of the replies. I am going to have him take it to Advance Auto 
parts to get the charging system checked out. 

There is one 3 miles from where he lives.

Based on what I've been reading, I am thinking it is the alternator. The battery 
actually replaced one I had installed back in November.
That one was a non-maintenance free battery that the shop put in, and we didn't 
discover it until the car was having a hard time starting.
I took it back and had them put a maint-free battery in in January, as getting 
my son to check the oil occasionally is enough of a challenge,
forget about checking the battery water.... The car runs fine when it is running 
- full power to all accessories. And it does have an
aftermarket radio but it has been installed for several years.

He's starting a job at a local engineering firm on June 1 and I am seriously 
considering getting him a cheap lease on a new Mazda2 or
Ford Fiesta so he has a reliable car!

 Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

From: Huw Powell <audi at>
To: Robert Myers <bob at>
Cc: Dan DiBiase <d_dibiase at>; quattro at
Sent: Sun, May 22, 2011 12:16:25 AM
Subject: Re: NAC - Draining Battery

I agree.  Sounds like a free replacement battery is in order.  A good 
new battery can start a car and run it for hours, sans 800w sound 
system.  And then start it again.  But that's about it.

Dead in five minutes after a jumped start and running for a while?

Oh and the suggestions regarding a charge system test are good ones, 
since if it's not getting charged, that doesn't help.

On 5/21/2011 9:09 PM, Robert Myers wrote:
> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
> Dan,
> It could also easily be faulty battery. A few months ago I put a brand
> new battery in my Ranger peecup. It kept draining down and would not
> start the truck after only a couple of hours of standing unused. Turned
> out to have a dead short internally and I had to replace it. Under
> warranty fortunately.
> Bob
> At 08:11 PM 5/21/2011, Dan DiBiase wrote:
>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>> Trying to diagnose a draining battery (it's new) on my son's '99
>> Impreza 2.5RS
>> from 2 hours away.... He has to jump it every time to run it,
>> and if it sits off for even a few minutes after running, it requires a
>> jump to
>> start again. Could it be the alternator? I was thinking it must
>> be something in the electrical system draining the battery when the
>> car is off,
>> but for it to happen within 5 minutes of the car being off seems
>> unlikely.
>> Dan D
>> '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
>> Central NJ USA
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