Which Antifreeze to use?

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Tue Nov 1 06:11:16 PDT 2011

Are you certain the VW dealers don't still have Autobahn Blue?

On 10/31/2011 11:57 PM, L DC wrote:
> Hi all:
> I will be replacing the radiator in my '87 VW QSW since the one on the car is about 30-40% clogged and developed a leak upon doing an extended period flush with CLR.
> At over $273 for a new radiator from the cheapest place (AutohausAZ.com), I want to make sure to use the right combination of coolant and distilled water to prevent clogging as much as possible.
> So what is your collective advised on the matter?
> A lis in another forum indicated that the Blue Antifreeze previously sold at VW/Audi dealerships has been discontinued. Does anyone know if this Penstosin (although not cheap)  Blue Antifreeze is similar to the discontinued stuff?
> http://tinyurl.com/6acq36x
> I last used Zerex G05 (pink stuff) and previously used Prestone (found to be crappiest and worst of all antifreeze).
> Thanks in advance for your value insight.
> Best Regards,
> -Louis 
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