2003 A6 & 2004 A4

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Wed Nov 2 14:04:28 PDT 2011


Stay ahed of maint - its cheaper that way.

Pay attention to oil changes on both vehicles - the 2003 has the 3.0 which can suffer premature top end wear if not lubricated "above and beyond? and the 1.8 can sludge if you exceed roughly 5k intervals.

Watch for front suspension wear - they both have lots of short-lived ball joints that are integral with the control arms.

Service the automatic trannies regularly.


On Nov 2, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Paul Staupe wrote:

> I purchased a 2003 3.0L A6 with 100K miles on it and the multitronic
> transmission a few months ago.  My wife was so impressed that she bought a
> 2004 A4 quattro with 63K miles on it yesterday, so now we're an Audi family.
> Are there any suggestions that we should be aware of for either vehicle?
> Thanks,
> Paul
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