Oil Pan Heater

aaron jongbloedt jungle at hickorytech.net
Mon Nov 21 15:10:19 PST 2011

Necessary: NoNice to have: yes I reccommend these:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000I8TQD6/ref=asc_df_B000I8TQD61791596?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=asn&creative=395093&creativeASIN=B000I8TQD6 Katz
Pad Heater Cheap, generic, easy to install.....cold oil flows slower,
meaning warm oil gets through the motor faster meaning less wear, plus
the sooner the car gets to its normal operating range the better fuel
economy you will get.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jeff Mruss
  To: quattro at audifans.com
  Subject: Oil Pan Heater
  Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 17:05:57 -0600


  I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba and it gets pretty cold here in the
  winter - we regularly see temperatures of -30C or lower. I'm
  debating whether to install an oil pan heater on my newish to me
  car, a 2007 A4 avant 2.0T. The car is garaged at home, and while
  the garage is unheated, we've never had to plug any of our vehicles
  in. At work I park outside and I'm wondering whether an oil pan
  heater is worthwhile, given that I use full synthetic oil. I also
  plan on charging the battery throughout the winter to keep it fully
  charged. On my 2003 Jetta 1.8T we went the first winter without an
  oil pan heater and had no issues, but subsequently had one

  Block or oil pan heaters are the norm here, but I'm wondering
  whether this is still necessary with modern cars, given that
  VW/Audi makes no provision for a block heater, not that this
  necessarily indicates anything.

  The cost of the heater is not really an issue, they're $100 locally
  from the dealer and likely less online and I can easily install it
  myself, but if unnecessary, I won't bother.


  Jeff Mruss
  quattro mailing list

..Aaron "youngblood" Jongbloedt

-Nexus Information Systems Engineer
--Carpe Diem
Tis better to wear out than it is to rust out.

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