Starting Issues -- 1988 5KSQ

brian hoeft qweblog at
Tue Nov 22 17:47:52 PST 2011

At first thought, sounds like a coolant temp sensor issue to me. Pretty
easy to test resistance of the sensor. I don't remember exact values off my
head, but as a general rule, much higher resistance cold than hot, say from
thousands to hundreds (ohms).

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 9:25 PM, <b1biker at> wrote:

> This is a normally aspirated 2.3 liter NF engine. The car has been driven
> very sparingly for the past 16 months. Now it is extremely hard to start
> when temps are below 50 degrees and unless temps are in the eighties or
> above it will not produce any power until it has warmed-up for a few
> minutes. After getting warmed-up it runs normally. Any help with this
> problem will be greatly appreciated.
> Gary Meier  88 5KSQ, 94 S4
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*       -Brian*
      [blinders off&ear <>plugs out]

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