Starting Issues -- 1988 5KSQ

Huw Powell audi at
Tue Nov 22 18:37:55 PST 2011

It's never the CSV.

Check the MFTS (four pin sensor in upper radiator hose flange).  They 
leak internally and go bad all the time.

On 11/22/2011 4:54 PM, TWFAUST at wrote:
> "This is a normally aspirated 2.3 liter NF engine. The car has been driven
> very sparingly for the past 16 months. Now it is extremely hard to start
> when  temps are below 50 degrees and unless temps are in the eighties or above
> it will  not produce any power until it has warmed-up for a few minutes.
> After getting  warmed-up it runs normally. Any help with this problem will be
> greatly  appreciated.
> Gary Meier  88 5KSQ, 94 S4"
> Those cars do have a cold start injector. Pull it and see if it squirts on
> cold start. if not check the sensor. If the sensor tests good, I guess you
> can  assume injector is bad, or not getting fuel for some reason.
> Tom
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