Hydraulic Pump Question

Kneale Brownson kneale at knitknacks.com
Tue Oct 11 06:31:15 PDT 2011

Pump resealing is described best in the Bentley for '89-91 100 & 200 
models.  I copied and scanned the pages covering the pump and you can 
see them starting at <  
http://www.pbase.com/kneale_brownson/image/114727641 >  and clicking on 
the "next" button four times.  They're not as clear as in the book itself.

You can get the seal kit for around $6/7  from  Autohausaz.com

On 10/10/2011 11:05 PM, Marc Boucher wrote:
> The hydraulic pump on my 1990 Audi 100 has developed a worsening leak.  It went from requiring topping up occasionally to its current state where it will go from the max to the min within 200 miles.
> There does not appear to be any leak in any of the hoses, the reservoir, or the steering rack.  The leak appears to be isolated to one point in the pump:  A ring of metal about the size of a quarter that sits on the outside of the pump.  There are bubbles of the green hydraulic fluid coming from the space between the metal ring and the body of the pump.
> There are at least 2-3 of those metal rings.  They have groves perpendicular to each other almost as though they could be pulled or tightened by a large Phillips screwdriver.
> Are there any simple options for fixing this, or does it generally require replacement of the pump.
> Thanks,
> MC
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