Old valve lifter

Tony Hoffman auditony at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 04:53:19 PDT 2011

There is nothing rubber inside of a lifter, so no reason to worry. Just as
longg as a bunch of dust hasn't made its way into the lifter, should be
fine. Just make sure to compress it in a vise or whatnot to ensure
bleed-down, or install it in the engine and let it sit for at least an hour
before starting it.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Radek <radek at istar.ca> wrote:

> Hello group;
> I was checking valve lifters on the NG engine lately, and one of them seems
> soft (goes down by a few milimeters when pushed down, with camshaft lobe
> disengaged).  I have an old (10+ years) valve lifter in my parts stash,
> brand new and the correct part for that engine, but by now probably
> completely dried out.  Are there any counterindications to installing it?  I
> know valve lifters should always be stored upside down and filled with oil,
> but this one wasn't. Should I soak it in engine oil for a few days prior to
> installation?  Soak in diesel fuel perhaps?  WD40?
> Thanks!
> Radek
> 88 90Q
> 91 V8Q 5-sp.

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