SV: MC2 running very lean

Dag Bøsterud dag.boesterud at
Wed Oct 19 12:12:28 PDT 2011

Water pump, rollers and timing belt was replaced this summer (after the
misfiring started). Timing was set correctly, and I have checked it once
more to be sure. All hoses/vacuum lines on the car are new - even the big
rubber thingy on top of the fuel metering device - and I have already
checked them, but I can of course check them again.




Fra: Tony Hoffman [mailto:auditony at] 
Sendt: 19. oktober 2011 21:07
Til: Dag Bøsterud
Kopi: quattro at
Emne: Re: MC2 running very lean


Hmm, well the next thing I'd be doing is checking over the hoses/vacuum
lines. Also, double check the cam timing.



On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Dag Bøsterud <dag.boesterud at>

Oh yes. The filter as well :)





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