Blower motor resistor values

Chris Perry cgperry42 at
Sun Oct 23 17:06:50 PDT 2011

I know, but I hate replacing things if they are not broken.

-- Chris Perry

Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:

Those are cheap, why not just replace it?

On 10/23/2011 1:11 PM, Chris perry wrote:
> Hi all,
> Patient is an 90 90q. I have an issue where only speeds three and four are
> working for my heater blower motor. I checked the resister with a multi
> meter and got some fairly "normal" readings (4-ish ohms overall). Does
> anyone know what these values are supposed to be? I don't see it listed
> anywhere in the Bentley. IS there another test that will determine a
> good/bad resistor. I am going to the fan speed switch today to see if it is
> just the contacts on the switch but I'd like to know if anyone else has ever
> measured the values between different pins on the resistor.
> Thanks,
> Chris Perry

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