Brake Pad Wear Warning Light

Max Hoepli mhoepli at
Mon Oct 24 15:43:57 PDT 2011

I have connected the loose cut endings of the cables in both front wheel
wells which once had a plug connecting to the wires for the brake wear
sensors. The whitish triangle with drum brake pad symbol is still




1986 Type 44 Turbo Quattro, 315.000km




From: Grant Lenahan [mailto:glenahan at] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 08:31
To: Tony Hoffman
Cc: Max Hoepli; audi_owners_usa at; quattro at;
w-t_audifans at
Subject: Re: Brake Pad Wear Warning Light


Well, that would explain it. but why were they not then on since day 1?



On Oct 18, 2011, at 9:43 PM, Tony Hoffman wrote:

Hmm, I assume he means they are cut off but open. Hopefully, we will here
which is the case.........



On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Grant Lenahan <glenahan at> wrote:

i assume he means he already has a shorting plug in place.....

On Oct 18, 2011, at 7:56 AM, Tony Hoffman wrote:

> For that light to go out, those two wires need to be connected together.
> there is an open circuit, it lights the warning. If it's shorted, the
> goes out. The wear sensor inthe pads is just a complete circuit that gets
> cut when the pads wear about 90%.
> The newer cars (such as the A6 mentioned) only use one indicator, on the
> drivers wheel. On the older ones, there is one on each wheel. I keep the
> plugs with wire from every set of pads I throw out. That way, I can make a
> quick plug in harness if needed, instead of cutting into the factory
> harness.
> Tony
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Max Hoepli <mhoepli at> wrote:
>> My pads at all wheels are thick, the sensor wires have been cut from the
>> front pads.

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