sanity check in aisle 9.. 2005 a6 v8 sline

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Tue Oct 25 17:46:06 PDT 2011

The 4.2 V8 is bulletproof for the most part. Hope your gas-buying wallet is too.

They are complicated. need a VAG tool to do rear brakes (electric parking brake), etc.

I believe the stats on audi basically say "newer is better"

On Oct 25, 2011, at 8:26 PM, thejimrose wrote:

> hey kids - just totaled the 08 a4 last week. need to replace it STAT. found
> the above local with 47k, 1 owner, looks to be well maintained for $18k.
> seems like a score. beautiful car. bit of a grandpa mobile but i need that -
> slow it down a bit. little bigger, quieter, comfier, etc.
> am i walking into a nightmare here? i know there's LOTS of doodads to break,
> and the v8's can be expensive to maintain but what a nice car.
> jim
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