sanity check

Steve Marinello smarinello at
Thu Oct 27 16:47:40 PDT 2011

If you don't go for the V, go the supercharger route with Magnuson.  They
developed the system for GM and they have great bolt-on systems for the CTS,
5-series BMW's, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of TWFAUST at
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 4:38 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: Re: sanity check 

Well, right off the top, I'm an American and a little Detroit DNA in  my
cars doesn't bother me a bit. A bud has a 2009 Cadillac CTS-V, rather
impressive in terms of brute force. Then, of course, there is that Nuremberg
Ring record. I admit, it is a little rough around the edges, but you have to
be an aficionado to really notice it. And, it was a first real effort. I can
well  remember the first 911's. They all had the paint burned off the engine
lid, the  carburetors burst into flames.
My supercharged Cougar is finally old enough to drink and has been used
lately to pull down trees. It is probably time to look for another car. All
things considered, with an emphasis on price, that CTS coupe is way up on my
list. Whether I would shell out for the "V" option is still a question.
There is no doubt American cars went into a serious decline, at least  30
years ago. At the dawn of my memory my father always had Cadillacs and
Rivieras, they never faltered and they never failed. I remember when he
killed Bambi's mother with one of the Cadillacs, that did a job on it.
Perhaps they can  regain that. Look at Honda and Toyota. Those of us in the
Northeast, with longer  memories, can recall when the bottoms fell out of
those things after 4 years.  Now they are examples of "what cars ought to
be". It wasn't so long ago that  Audi fans were known as "team door handle".
I like my Audis.
Tom Faust

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