VS: MC2 running very lean

Tony Hoffman auditony at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 05:01:49 PDT 2011

Ok, going back a bit (my memory sucks, sorry) did this sort of happen
gradually, or all at once? Are there any codes present at any time?


On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 6:23 AM, Dag Bøsterud <dag.boesterud at little-e.com>wrote:

>  I ran the car without the OXS today. No change what so ever :/ Ran just
> as shitty. The car runs just the same when cold, although I don't floor it
> when it's cold, but as mentioned before it will start to misfire before the
> turbo kicks in.****
> ** **
> I ohmed the coolant temp sensor for the ECU when the engine was hot, and
> got about 89 ohms. This should be okay, Bentley book says 60-1000 ohms when
> coolant is 20 C (68 F) minimum.

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