How to quiet an EFIed 20V?

laraa at laraa at
Fri Oct 28 07:54:20 PDT 2011

Hi Paul,


You are right partially : a normally aspirated  engine will suck air in
conjunction with its volume but it will need more air if we raise the boost
level. This car has twice as much boost than the stock 10V
 But then, the
stock airbox must have a safety factor built in, and it indeed looks fairly
large for a smallish 2.2 liter engine. And this car won’t see any serious
track duty, it’s a street car.


The problem is the fact that this car has a 20V (from an 1992 S4) engine
now, and I don’t think the stock 10V airbox will fit with the aftermarket
turbo right there in the way
 But then, I didn’t tried the stock airbox yet

It might be a good idea to start with.






De : Paul Caouette [mailto:paxnobis at] 
Envoyé : 28 octobre 2011 06:14
À : laraa at
Objet : Re: How to quiet an EFIed 20V?


The factory set up is are not changing the volume of air
going into the engine....that's related to RPMs. Use the engineering
experience provided by the Audi geeks.......and  look at the surface area of
the factory filter.........compared to the KN FIlter.......of course if you
want it to "look cool." Then mess around as much as you want.



On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 9:49 PM, < <mailto:laraa at>
laraa at> wrote:

Yes Tom, that helps. It's that stuff that I seek, an intake silencer (sort
of). I too remember a fairly large piece of plastic from a lowly 1988 Tempo
that really killed the intake noise of that dreaded engine. It was not a
pass-thru silencer, it was a chamber in parallel to the intake track and
removing it would multiply intake noise by a significant amount.

Now, finding such a device to fit to a 369 hp engine is another task...


-----Message d'origine-----

Not sure if this will help you. I have a fairly large  compressor, all  of
the noise (substantial) is intake.. I went to a bone yard and pulled the
air filter "hose" off a Honda Accord. That had an expansion chamber in it.
That  solved the noise problem.

Tom Faust

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Paul Caouette
sv Wild Iris (V40-133)

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