Unfaithful thoughts!

Hayes Myers hayesmyers at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 13:26:13 PDT 2011

Agree on all but the 'Reagan said'.  Reagan didn't say much that was ever

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Mike Arman <Armanmik at earthlink.net> wrote:

>  Unfaithful thoughts!
>> that really is UNBELIEVABLE. good to know, i occasionally troll craigs for
>> good amg deals.
>>  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: dgraber460 at aol.com
>>> An experience I had some years ago convinced me that I will not own
>>> another
>>> MB, was when the dealership told me the passenger side window lift (450
>>> SE)
>>> was stamped into the door. The only repair method was to unskin the door,
>>> re-weld it including body and paint work. That was the pinnacle of
>>> several
>>> almost unbelievable manufacturing approaches.
>>> Superior German engineering indeed.
>>> It was obvious I was a bother to them (at the dealership), so my old
>>> simple
>>> minded self won't bother them again.
> Ignorance abounds . . . dealerships specialize in it, especially if it is
> to their advantage.
> In this case, I'm betting they are wrong. I looked at a 97 300E, all the
> "consumer sites" were screaming about the rear windows falling down and
> costing $500+ each to fix. A little further research showed that a repair
> kit cost some $50 if you even needed it - the real problem was the three
> aluminum rivets that hold the window mechanism onto the door (which fail)
> and can easily be replaced with small bolts and nylock nuts. End of problem.
> Take off the door upholstery from the INSIDE, just like on our Audis, no
> paint or sheetmetal work needed at all.
> I have also heard that to replace the front shocks on type 44 Audi it is
> necessary to remove the struts, cut them apart with a saw, replace the
> cartridge, and re-weld the struts shut. I must be getting old, I somehow
> don't remember doing it that way on any of my 5 cylinder type 44s or my V8Q.
> Reagan said "trust but verify". When we are talking about car dealers,
> "always assume they are outright lying, verify this yourself, then fix your
> own car".
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman
> 90 V8Q, other type 44s (Cody has them - mostly . . . )
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