European adventures in a 200 turbo

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at
Thu Sep 8 07:47:36 PDT 2011

I did split a high pressure hose on my urQ last winter while attending a
snow lapping event. A quick but efficient repair involved tape but also some
(a dozen) big and long zippy-ties to add some strength to the repair. I did
wrap the zip-ties with more tape to give them some stability. Lasted the
whole day where wide-open throttle is often reached (ice surface...).

Have fun !


-----Message d'origine-----

Ok, time to admit to a bit of stupidity. When we put the michelin man hose
back on, we managed to put the jubilee clip in the way of the throttle
linkage. We're now back up to speed :) 

So the original problem was indeed the split hose, and Eric wins the most
useful post award! 

Thanks all, especially Eric!

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