Intermittant No-Start, Shut-Off

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at
Sun Sep 11 13:15:37 PDT 2011

Okj, thanks, Cody. Now I am wondering about the fuel pump. It was replaced this past December. That time, it died on me while
in a local parking lot and would not restart, which is a little different from my current symptoms. I don't recall it shutting off and allwoing
a restart then. I guess I will bring it down to my local shop tomorrow and have them check for codes. Figures this happens as I am
planning a mid-week trip to Saratoga Springs to play golf with my parents.

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

From: Cody Forbes <cody at>
To: Dan DiBiase <d_dibiase at>
Cc: "quattro at" <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: Intermittant No-Start, Shut-Off

The key fob won't do that. The primary symptom of a dead fob battery is you can't lock/unlock the doors with the remote. If that works then it's fine. Plus the antitheft will prevent it from starting at all (never shut it off while running) and the antitheft light will flash. 

If there's no CEL the crappy scan tool at the FLAPS isn't likely to get you anywhere. Get to a VAG-Com and get actual, useful, VW codes out of it. The OBDII system on a modern VAG product is good for plugging in to a state inspection machine to pass/fail the car. Anything other than that use a VAG-Com to get VAG codes that are more detailed and correct.

-Cody (mobile)

On Sep 11, 2011, at 10:58 AM, Dan DiBiase <d_dibiase at> wrote:

> I've been having the subject issue for about a week. Last week-end, mu car took a few extra cranks to start, occasionally. Twice,
> during the week, it shut off on me while driving, just at the end of my block. Stared up fine after that. Both times I returned home
> and switched cars. Haven't been able to replicate it. No CEL. I am going to try to get to Autozone today to see if there are any
> codes. No recent work done and gas cap is tight.
> A friend suggested this might be related to the anti-theft, due to the battery going in my key fob.... I've had the car for almost exactly
> 8 years and am on the original fobs/batteries... In the absence of any codes, could this be the issue? Would there be any other
> symptoms of a key fob battery going? Car runs fine otherwise. 
> Dan D
> '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
> Central NJ USA
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