recommendation on good degreaser for engine, chassis, etc?

Vincent Gelinas vrgelinas at
Sat Apr 28 14:44:50 PDT 2012

I believe that Sportys pilot shop carries aluminum safe stuff for a
good price. They may sell B52.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 28, 2012, at 4:08 PM, "TWFAUST at" <TWFAUST at> wrote:

> I have very good luck with a product named "B-52". Not sure of its
> availability, I get it at my local mill supply. Thin and not  particularly caustic.
> It does not "melt" the grease, consequently it requires  water wash off.
> Cheap, or about the same as Purple Power. I find it very  effective.  I don't
> recall if I have any experience using it on  aluminum.
> Not sure if "mill supply" is a national term, here in New England they once
> supplied the "mills". So they sell specialty nuts, specialty bolts, taps,
> dies,  drill bits, tool steel, lathe dogs, piano wire, etc.
> Tom Faust
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