cockpit suddenly filled with steam

Huw Powell audi at
Tue Aug 14 20:10:37 PDT 2012

Cody is correct.

And am I correct in thinking you are new here, Bill?  In which case, 

You can connect the two hoses while you buy parts and read manuals in 
order to be ready to do the job.

On 8/14/2012 10:04 PM, Cody Forbes wrote:
> 1) Replacing the heater core does **NOT** require removing the dash. It's a
> time consuming job, but easily done in a lazy day.
> 2) It is favorable to connect the two hoses together. They are only inches
> away from each other on the engine.  They are both connected to the engine
> in the area near the rear of the cylinder head on top of the transmission
> bell housing.
> - This picture
> shows both connections. One is a metal pipe extending rearward of the engine
> out sort of by itself, the other has a rubber hose on it about 5" long and
> is just below the cylinder head. The other end of that short rubber hose
> will have the heater valve connected to it.
> -Cody
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Pirkle [mailto:bpirkle at]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 9:47 PM
> To: audi at
> Cc: 'John Cody Forbes'; quattro at; w-t_audifans at;
> audi_owners_usa at
> Subject: Re: cockpit suddenly filled with steam
> To replace the heater core I will have to remove the dash. Big hassle. I
> have decided to shut off the heater.
> There is a hose out of the engine that goes through a thermostat and into
> the cockpit. That sends hot water into the heater core. I plan to plug that
> hose.
> But there must be a hose coming back to the engine so I will have to plug
> that one also.
> The question is is there something that I am missing? The car is an 85 Audi
> 5000.
> Bill Pirkle   KE7JIA
> "When ideas fail, words come in handy"
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Huw Powell" <audi at>
> To: "Bill Pirkle" <bpirkle at>
> Cc: "'John Cody Forbes'" <cody at>; <quattro at>;
> <w-t_audifans at>; <audi_owners_usa at>
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 6:16 PM
> Subject: Re: cockpit suddenly filled with steam
>> 1. The heater core let go.  You may be in for quite a few new cooling
>> system components.
>> 2.  Leaking brake fluid?  A car with a brake fluid leak is not safe to
>> drive.  You need to find the leak(s) and repair.  Are you sure it's
>> brake fluid and not something else you are topping up?
>> Year and model?
>> On 8/13/2012 8:37 PM, Bill Pirkle wrote:
>>> Scared the hell out of me.
>>> I noticed that the engine was running hot. Needle was about 3/4 over
>>> toward hot.
>>> Started back home and about 4 blocks from home the cockpit suddenly
>>> filled with steam. Seemed to be coming form the heating ducks. It
>>> only took a second and I couldn't even see the steering wheel.
>>> I finally got home and the reservoir was empty. That accounts for the
>>> hot engine.
>>> But where did the steam come from?
>>> I looked around but all the hoses seemed to be connected.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Also there is a dark spot on the driveway and I have to add brake
>>> fluid to the engine. Thus the break fluid is leaking. Any ideas where
>>> the leak probably is?
>>> Bill Pirkle   KE7JIA
>>> "When ideas fail, words come in handy"
>>> ----- Original Message ----- >>
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