Source for Coolant Hose - 1994 S4

Peter Golledge petergolledge at
Wed Aug 29 21:02:12 PDT 2012

Afterrun pump?  Been dead/removed on every type 44/s car I've owned.
Replace ends of old hose with short lengths of hose and cap the ends.  Do
cool things of after shutddown if really driving hard... which you should
do anyway.

Peter Golledge
On Aug 29, 2012 4:25 PM, <b1biker at> wrote:

> I'm looking for a source for the hose from the turbocharger coolant pump
> to the engine block for the above vehicle. I've tried all of my sources and
> have been informed that it is a dealer only item. My nearest dealer is 75
> miles away and they want $220.00 for the hose; seems rather steep for a
> 12-14" molded hose. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Gary Meier - 88 5KSQ - 94 S4
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