Coupe GT - unknown dangling wire

laraa at laraa at
Thu Dec 20 16:49:20 PST 2012


The shift light is triggered by load (via an intake pressure sensor) and won't come on if you are in 5th (no upshift possible!). Many people disable that circuit so the shift light won't bother them in the daily traffic.

According to the wiring diagram, track 117 is for the upshift light and the wire color is indeed br/w.

And from the drawing in ETKA, the 5th gear sensor is indeed at the back of the transmission, on top and not too far from the reverse gear switch.

Have a nice trip !



-----Message d'origine-----
De : quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] De la part de Marco Weibel
Envoyé : 20 décembre 2012 18:36
À : audi at
Cc : quattro at
Objet : Re: Coupe GT - unknown dangling wire

Huw, the color is brown/white and has a female spade connector at the end of the wire.

L-A, I never saw the up-shift light come on... I use the whole rev band thru all gears (not fifth of course:)) couple times a week.

Thank you all for the fast response !
I have the feeling this is nothing major but still .... :) LOL I hope the fifth gear switch is not on top of the trans if thats what it is !

Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-12-20, at 5:15 PM, Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:

> That was one thing I was thinking - and by '84 I'm not so sure they still used those, so the wire would be unused if they were still using the same harness.  With the wire color it will be easy to tell.
> - Huw
> On 12/20/2012 4:56 PM, Louis-Alain Richard wrote:
>> Could it be a wire for the upshift light ? Then it could be plugged 
>> to a 5th speed switch...
>> Louis-Alain
>>> -----Message d'origine-----
>>> De : quattro-bounces at 
>>> [mailto:quattro-bounces at] De la part de Marco Weibel 
>>> Envoyé : 20 décembre 2012 15:59 À : quattro at Objet : 
>>> Coupe GT - unknown dangling wire
>>> Hello
>>> Patient: 84 CGT
>>> Doing the final check before she takes us to Florida on Saturday... 
>>> I saw a single wire hanging under the car just after the front 
>>> subframe. After
>>> jacking her up in my snowy driveway and laying into the sludge to 
>>> further investigate I saw that that unplugged wire is routed 
>>> together with another wire from under the battery tray, following 
>>> the downpipes and going by the gearshift linkage.
>>> One wire goes up towards the end of the tranny and in my case seems 
>>> to be plugged in. (can't quite get an angle to see up there) Where 
>>> would the other wire plug into?(single flat connector with rubber 
>>> boot) I can't find any spade terminal close by.
>>> Reverse lights work.
>>> Parking brake light works.
>>> .... what else is down there ?
>>> Regards
>>>  Marco
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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