Seeking parts source

Cody Forbes cody at
Fri Feb 3 04:39:49 PST 2012

FYI the WorldPac door handles that have been shipping recently kinda suck. The lock tumbler is one sided where the factory lock is two sided and the parts are incompatible. The individual things in the tumbler are also different from OE which means you can not re-key the new lock to match your old key. I returned the last one they sold me and repaired the broken door handle (very careful slow work with a TIG welder).

(Sent from my phone, if a word doesn't fit blame Siri)

On Feb 2, 2012, at 10:02 PM, Andrew Buc <AndrewBuc at> wrote:

> After getting most of my parts from SJM Autotechnik for the last few years, I just went on their website and saw that they no longer carry new parts.
> Since the parts supplier page on the site is under construction, does anyone have recommendations? It would be nice to have a source in the Pacific NW or at least on the West Coast, but I'm open-minded.
> Currently seeking an exterior door handle (no surprise!) and probably some driveshaft stuff for my '87 4kq--when my mechanic gets the car in the air next week, then I'll know what needs replaced to stop the nasty noises on hard turns. But I'm looking ahead to my future needs beyond these parts. Thanks..
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