
Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Tue Jan 10 20:28:32 PST 2012

Paul Caouette <paxnobis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is anyone keeping score?
> Of course the danger lies in the internet....pun intended.
> I suggest folks who have had experience with Chris (positive or negative)
> post......and only one post per experience......

Please, this is a very bad idea and a total waste of bandwidth.

I've had a dozen or so transactions with Chris, all positive, and maybe 
another 25 experiences with him, again all positive. Do you really want 
me to post thirty five times?

Do you really want to employ the quattro list as a vehicle for people to 
vote on specific service providers? If you do, what do you think will 
happen to the ability of the list to actually provide a forum for 
providing support regarding the ownership and maintenance of our Audis? 
This is a slippery slope that could destroy the signal to noise ratio of 
this list, without providing any useful information.

I think we've already heard enough...one person (OP) who had an issue, 
and a good number of others who had great experiences.

What more do you need..and in fact, do YOU need anything?

Can we PLEASE call this matter closed?



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