[V8] How not to make an argument

Brian K. Ullrich bullrich at ullrichsys.com
Wed Jan 11 07:15:27 PST 2012

You mean the moon ISN'T made of green cheese? :-)

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 10, 2012, at 23:35, Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:

> I know I already posted an "enough" comment, but I could not let this one go...
> Jack (j123fs at aol.com) writes:
>> Hi guys,
>> I cannot agree with everyone who has stated that they have had great
>> interactions
> Whether you agree or not is irrelevant. Your disagreement doesn't change the impact or truthfulness of their statement.
>> nor has the quite a few folks I emailed who
>> I know to verify my/their personal experiences.
> Dangerous ground here. You're trying to multiply the value of your statement by suggesting that "quite a few" others, unnamed, verify your/their personal experiences. These unnamed others don't need to verify your experience. Your experience is yours. Only you can verify it. And you don't even state what their experience was, not that you would be a credible provider of a third party's experience. Speak for yourself, and yourself only.
>> I personally, and at least another half a dozen listers I know have had
>> nothing but BAD experiences
> Bullshit.
> I personally, and many of my friends know, that the moon is made of green cheese.
> True? Nope.
>> No need to go into grimy details here,
> But that's exactly the point. You're making shit up and you have destroyed your own credibility in doing so.
> 'Nuff said.
> If you'd like to discuss this further with me, offlist ONLY.
> Best,
> Lee
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