Anecdotal Audi content

Vincent Gelinas vrgelinas at
Thu Jan 12 16:20:46 PST 2012

I drove my d2 a8q this morning for the first time in a week and a half
because I usually drive my vr6 Jetta on my long commute.

Belle fired right up after a cough or two and plowed through the snow down
the mountain like a champ and only slid when I wanted to.

On Jan 12, 2012 6:46 PM, <doubldz at> wrote:

> I love reading audifans posts but regret I can't add anything but my love
> of the brand.
> This is such an occasion. I've been in the hospital since Sunday so the V8
> has been just sitting. As I'm leaving for work this morning the DH says: I
> hope your car starts. Harrumph. Of course it's gonna start. As another V8
> owner said (not in so many words) it will rear up on its hind legs and roar
> like a lion.
> This morning was no exception.
> Dee
> 1990 V8q
> Pearl
> Sent from The iPhone
> Put an end to Puppy Mills!
> Adopt Don't shop.
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