1991 100q difficulty shifting

wadd-wadd at usa.net wadd-wadd at usa.net
Mon Jan 16 17:06:21 PST 2012

Great! Although the discussion is over my head, the tests are simple enough.

I'll carry them out and report back.

Thank you.

------ Original Message ------
Received: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 07:59:10 PM EST
From: <laraa at sympatico.ca>
To: "'Grant Lenahan'" <glenahan at vfemail.net>Cc: <wadd-wadd at usa.net>,
<quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: 1991 100q difficulty shifting

> Well, Grant, I have some other clues : in neutral shifting in first, with
> the wheels at zero mph, the first gear synchro must stop the main shaft
> completely to engage first gear. One can overcome this by waiting long
> enough with the pedal depressed for the mainshaft to stop spinning by
> itself, then engage first gear. Hence the difficulty if the clutch
> plate, release bearing or slave cylinder) keeps spinning slightly. Or if
> 1st gear synchro is too worn. 
> When shifting into second from first, or going up the gears, then the main
> shaft speed is faster than necessary (for the upcoming gear), so one has
> just to wait for it to slow down and engage the next gear without much
> effort from the synchros. Hence the easier shifting he experience.
> Think of the case where the clutch cable has snapped (or when you go up the
> gears without pressing the clutch pedal) : you can easily pull on the lever
> from first, pass neutral and try to engage second and when the speed of
> part of the gear pair are equal, it will drop in second. That why the next
> gear changes are easier, IMO.
> So wadd-wadd, you have a few more tests to do :
> Engine off, shifting in various gears with the clutch pedal to the floor.
> Should be same effort for each one. You don't force select the gear, you
> just let the lever gently move by 2 or 3 rocking movements. If this is
> difficult, maybe simply the shift lever needs adjustments/repair. But I
> doubt it.
> Engine running, clutch pedal on the floor for 5 to 10 seconds, then try
> first gear : if easier than usual (or easy as normal), synchro is
> dead/dying. If still hard to select first, clutch is not disengaging fully.
> Find the cause.
> Louis-Alain
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Grant Lenahan [mailto:glenahan at vfemail.net] 
> Envoyé : 16 janvier 2012 17:59
> À : laraa at sympatico.ca
> Cc : wadd-wadd at usa.net; quattro at audifans.com
> Objet : Re: 1991 100q difficulty shifting
> If that was true, why would it be OK if he shifts gear to gear relatively
> quickly, but not if he waits in neutral?
> According to your theory, both shafts would continue spinning more or less
> as they were, since the clutch would not disengage (slave cyl theory).
> I still want more facts - every gear has this problem?
> Grant
> On Jan 16, 2012, at 5:43 PM, <laraa at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> > My second thought is for a worn pressure plate or release bearing or a
> slave
> > cylinder out of adjustment. Clutch doesn't disengage fully, main shaft is
> > still spinning a bit, 1st gear synchro does its job by attempting to slow
> it
> > down (hence the resistance). Other gears are easier since the speed
> > differential is less. 
> > 
> > You can test the behavior by leaving the trans in neutral, and try to
> shift
> > into second or third from there. If resistance (less than in first, but
> > still), my bet is on the clutch. Shut the engine, do the same : if no
> > resistance in first, (except for the gear meshing together), it would
> point
> > to the clutch. 
> > 
> > Anyone can destroy my theory ?
> > 
> > Louis-ALain
> > 
> > 
> > -----Message d'origine-----
> > De : quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]
> > la part de Grant Lenahan
> > Envoyé : 16 janvier 2012 16:29
> > À : wadd-wadd at usa.net
> > Cc : quattro at audifans.com
> > Objet : Re: 1991 100q difficulty shifting
> > 
> > My first thought is worn synchros.  When you shift quickly both shafts
> > spinning. When you go to neutral, one spins down.
> > 
> > Grant
> > On Jan 16, 2012, at 4:18 PM, wadd-wadd at usa.net wrote:
> > 
> >> I have difficulty changing gears on my 100q, cold or warm. The car has
> > ~201k
> >> miles.
> >> 
> >> Once the shifter goes into a gear, the rest of the gear changes are
> >> smooth.
> >> 
> >> If I allow 30 seconds to pass by in neutral, the same things happens
> > again. 
> >> 
> >> The fluid has been changed with OEM fluid and is not low. 
> >> 
> >> Is there any type of an adjustment on this gear box? 
> >> 
> >> Thanks.
> >> 
> > 

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