"W" markings on speedo

Andrew Buc AndrewBuc at staxman.net
Mon Jul 30 18:44:28 PDT 2012

On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:18 AM, Tony Hoffman wrote:

> And, if it's the case with these cars, then you want
> the 1650. Both my 85 and 86 4000Q's have that.s

Based on previous responses, I'd become pretty confident of that, but  
thanks for the 2 additional data points. I phoned the info in to  
North Hollywood Speedometer today, and the tech (to whom I'd spoken  
earlier) said the speedo wouldn't have been accurate with my car as  
it was. But now it will be! I'll never take those little numbers on  
speedos for granted again!

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