Charcoal Canister Delete?

cody at cody at
Mon Jun 11 10:29:00 PDT 2012

This is another area where vast improvements are being made. Most cars  
these days have a system that either seals the gas tank while filling  
(many Fords **NO LONGER HAVE A GAS CAP!!!***) or uses a fan/pump to  
draw the fumes in to the charcoal canister during filling.


Quoting Dan DiBiase <d_dibiase at>:

> Isn't it amazing that this is the case? That the vapors during the  
> 10-minute fill-up cause more pollution than actually driving the car?
> Wow...
> Of course, this isn't the case with my '76 MGB. I am making up for  
> my newer cars when I drive it, as the pollution controls have been
> deleted..... :-/
> Dan D
> '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
> Central NJ USA

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