PZEV legislative victory

Nicholas Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 19:20:03 PDT 2012

Tamper proof is sortaa relative.  Torx, tripple square, safety torx, etc...
there are varying degrees of fastner trickery to try and keep the average
joe out... but in the end there is always a special tool to get past it.
It just increases the cost of operating for small mechanics which really

Tamper proof heads sound like a good way to have head bolts break, AND no
way to remove them to extract the broken one.  Genius.
On Jun 28, 2012 1:49 PM, "Mike Arman" <Armanmik at earthlink.net> wrote:

> OK, so if the PZEV system is totally sealed, then how do you refuel the
> car?
> I get it, they've finally figured out how to transfer the "ash trays are
> full, I need a new car" syndrome to a non-smoking customer base.
> "Sorry, your sealed fuel tank is empty - not sold separately - you'll need
> to buy a new car, sir."
> This may not be as dumb as it sounds. A few years back Hawaii was about to
> pass a law against two-piece automobile wheels (hub plus rim) because
> someone's custom wheel came apart and caused an accident. One of the
> legislators went out to the parking lot and dragged in the spare wheel from
> a stock Chebby police car - guess what, hub and rim, two pieces, riveted
> together. The bill died in committee.
> In the UK, they have been seriously talking about making head bolts
> "tamper proof" so no one but a factory authorized service center can work
> on the engines. The manufacturers like the idea, it would give them
> guaranteed captive service. Independent shops and the few consumers who are
> aware of it hate it. The same idea surfaces from time to time across the
> channel in Euroland, where everything is forbidden anyway, simply as a
> matter of EU policy.
> As far as tamper proof fasteners are concerned, don't say they are
> impossible. Most of them can be removed with varying degrees of difficulty,
> but I ran into some that absolutely stopped me cold. Made in the UK, they
> were on a museum exhibit which is currently here and I am doing some work
> on it.
> The fastener head is dome shaped and hardened, so you can't cut a notch
> into it or get a grip on it with vice grips or other implements of
> destruction. There is no slot for a driver, but there are a row of shallow
> radial notches (with rounded edges) around the head which the special
> driver fits over.
> After fighting ONE of these damn things unsuccessfully for almost an hour,
> and realizing there were about 100 more, some of them totally inaccessible,
> I hunted down the manufacturer on the net and convinced them to send me a
> driver. I've saved all of them, so if I need to build something that I
> absolutely do not want anyone to be able to get into short of C-4 or an
> RPG, I'm all set.
> Beat Regards,
> Mike Arman
> 90V8Q
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