Further developoments -- 94 S4 (was Assistance Needed 94 S4)

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sat Mar 3 16:47:14 PST 2012

Actually a failed coil CAN cause rapid oil consumption. If the fuel injector keeps putting fuel in a cylinder that isn't firing the fuel will wash the oil off of the cylinder walls and piston rings which then leads to the rings not sealing and oil consumption.

(Sent from my phone, if a word doesn't fit blame Siri)

On Mar 3, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Grant Lenahan <glenahan at vfemail.net> wrote:

> Its seems you have several problems - or one root and several symptoms.
> Failed ignition does not cause oil consumption.
> But oil spillage might damage a coil pack.
> I think you need to take stock and find first the source of the oil, then the resulting damage.
> Sorry - never owned that particular beast
> Grant
> On Mar 3, 2012, at 12:33 PM, b1biker at aol.com wrote:
>> Pulled the cover to check the spark plugs this a.m. and found a disintegrated coil pack and a broken plug on #1. Of more concern is the fact that the spark plug wells are filled with oil. I don't have a manual for this car so I'm 'driving blind'. Any advice/guidance will be greatly appreciated.
>> Gary Meier
>> 88 5KSQ -- 94 S4
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