waste gate diaphragm

Kneale Brownson kneale at knitknacks.com
Thu Mar 8 06:03:56 PST 2012

Scott Mockry to the rescue:  

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On 3/7/2012 7:22 PM, Nick Lawrence wrote:
> 1990 200tqa
> Suddenly I got way more boost than I should have.  Right away I suspected
> the waste gate diaphragm and confirmed with a vacuum tester at home.  I
> went to my vast collection of used parts and began collecting up a
> replacement waste gate diaphragm. I removed the cap and couldn't get the
> nut holding the diaphragm in the center to loosen.  I removed the whole
> waste gate to expose the head of the "exhaust valve".  It has an internal
> hex.  Is that much dis-assembly needed to replace the part?  Any other
> words of wisdom?
> Nick  central Ohio
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